There are a ton of great habits that you can add to each day to help you live a happier life. You can meditate, say affirmations, practice smiling, the list goes on and on. These are all great, but let’s face it, there are only so many things you can do in a day. Add as many as you feel necessary, but you should always add at least the following daily rules into the mix.
5 Daily Rules To Live A Happier Life
1 – 30 Minutes of Exercise
I’m not going to lecture you about the benefits of exercise. I’m sure you know what they are. Just make it a priority to do at least 30 minutes a day, and not only will your body feel better, but your motivation, productivity, and happiness will go through the roof. Walk at lunch, do yoga in the morning, or ride a bike after dinner, for example. It doesn’t matter what it is, just try to add some exercise to your day.
2 – Practice Gratitude To Live A Happier Life
Take some time every day to practice gratitude. Think about the good things in your life and be thankful for them. It forces you to drop, even for a moment, the negative baggage we tend to hold onto every day. In its place, we can focus on the positives in our lives, such as the people, and experiences that make our life worth it.
3 – Keep The Peace Don’t Make It
Live a happier life by letting the small things go. If you are upset about something, try your best to let it go instead of bringing it up. Of course, if it is something that is very important that can cause damage to your relationship or others, you should call attention to it. But for those small annoyances, we tend to go through with our spouse, co-worker, or the person who cut you off, just shrug it off. It’s much easier to keep the peace instead of doing or saying something you will regret and ending up having to make peace.
4 – Enjoy A Moment
Live a happier life by taking at least 10 minutes a day to enjoy the moment. Don’t think about what you have to do later in the day or what happened yesterday. Just stop, observe, and enjoy what is going on around you right now. Try to do this as often as you can.
5 – Self-Love
When I say self-love, I’m not talking about hugging yourself in the corner and kissing the mirror. I mean take some time and say aloud something you love about yourself. Say it in the 3rd person. For example, I would say, “Shane, I think you are a great dad.” “Shane, I think you are pretty good at figuring things out.” It may seem silly at first, but this is a way to get you to notice all the great things about yourself. You do have a lot of great qualities and you don’t have to wait to hear about them from others. Self-worth comes from within.
You May Also Like: 101 Ways To Love Yourself
Incorporate these 5 daily rules and you will live a happier life.
What rules do you incorporate into your life?
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