The New Year is here, time for you to do some amazing things. Right? Wrong. Most likely you will set some goals, start off strong then in about 6 weeks (if you make it that far) you give up and wait until next New Year. If you find yourself in this endless cycle, then it’s time to take a real hard look at yourself. Here are 6 reasons why your New Year’s Resolutions always fail. Do any of these fit you? If so, make an adjustment, then move forward.
1 – You Blame Others
One of the biggest reasons why you keep falling short of your New Year’s goals is that you blame others. Everything that happens in your life is YOUR fault. Good or bad, you bring it upon yourself. That’s a hard pill to swallow but the sooner you realize this, the more productive and satisfied your life will become. It’s time to stop playing the victim in your own story. Don’t blame your work for not having enough time for your family. Don’t blame the eating habits of others on you not being able to diet successfully. The responsibility for you to do whats right to reach your New Year’s Resolutions is all yours.
2 – You Constantly Beat Yourself Up
When you make a mistake, its okay. Relax, forgive and keep going. If you constantly beat yourself up, you are training your mind to see defeat and failure. What your mind feels and envisions, your reality creates.
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3 – Your Goals are Unrealistic and Not Measurable
Be honest with yourself about your New Year’s Resolutions. If you constantly set unrealistic goals, you will never accomplish them. Your goals should be Smart Specific (S), Measurable (M), Achievable (A), Realistic (R), and Timely (T), or SMART.
4 – You Are Not Doing It For You
You need to have endless passion to attain your desires. If you don’t have that, then overcoming slumps and obstacles will be nearly impossible. Make sure you are going down this path for you and no one else.
5 – You Surround Yourself With Negative People
Negative people have the ability to suck the energy and motivation out of the people around them. It’s like a superpower that they all possess. The longer you hang around Debbie Downers, the harder it will be to realize your goals. This coming year, surround yourself with positive people.
Dealing With Negative People – 9 Smart Ways
6 – You Procrastinate
Procrastination is a goal killer. “I’ll start next Monday.” Sound familiar? If you have problems with procrastination, you should do what you can to overcome it.
5 Quick Ways To Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done
Break the New Year’s Resolution cycle. Make this the year of success. Avoid these 6 reasons why you keep failing and change your life for the better.
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