Having good time management skills is essential to living a successful, productive, and happy life. Much of our daily stress comes from feeling overwhelmed by having too much to do with so little time. The truth is that most of us, have more than enough time to get things on our to-do list done and have enough time left over to relax. Sounds too good to be true huh? Well it’s not. There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to time management but here are some that may be right for you.
1 – Improve Your Time Management By Prioritizing Your To-Do List
Your to-do list will inevitably grow. When it does, things can seem overwhelming and no matter how many items you check off you’ll still feel unaccomplished. I personally think it’s okay to have a long list of things you need to do but strongly suggest you create another, separate list called ‘My Priorities Today’. Take no more than three items off of your regular to-do list and transfer them to your new My Priorities Today list. These items should be the most pressing and most important. Take time either the night before or the morning of to determine your top priorities. By doing this you simplify your tasks for the day, make getting things done more manageable, and feel accomplished even though you still have a ton of things on your normal to-do list.
2 – Delegate
Sometimes we take on too much. We need to delegate tasks when it makes sense. This may be difficult if you have a problem with letting go of control, but by letting someone who is perfectly capable do the task, it shows that you are intelligent and professional. Not weak.
3 – Eliminate Procrastination
Procrastination is a productivity killer. We all do it sometimes but do your best to avoid it. Try to force yourself to get things done quickly and as soon as possible so that you will have more time for other things later. Putting things off just causes more stress and anxiety.
Overcome Laziness – Get Your Butt In Gear
4 – Start Early To Improve Your Time Management
Most successful people get up earlier than most, so that they have time to plan their day. Successful people also realize that as the day progresses their motivation and energy dwindles. Get up early each day to plan and knock out your most important tasks first.
5 – Get Rest
When you are not rested, you can’t think clearly and your productivity will suffer. Proper time management requires that we are clear headed and that our discipline is at a high level. Being tired invites procrastination and laziness. Aim for 7 to 8 hours.
6 – Say No
When your to-do list is getting out of control, it is okay to say no to tasks that aren’t important. You should only focus on things that move you towards your major goals and If they do not, say no to them. If you are overworked at the office, politely refuse any additional tasks. If that doesn’t work, ask the person assigning you tasks to prioritize your to-do list. By doing so, you force them to acknowledge your workload and rethink overwhelming you with additional work.
7 – Have Time Constraints
Instead of deciding to do something until it’s done or when something else comes along, set a time frame that you will dedicate to that task. For instance, say to yourself, “I’m going to work on this paper for 3 hours.” By doing so, you will be more focused and efficient. If you have to add more time later, that is fine, just start with time constraints.
Time management skills take time to learn but well worth it. You’ll get more done every day and have more time for you.
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