Positive affirmations are a powerful tool to rewire your mind and change your life. We spend too much time focused on negative self-talk and not enough time focused on positive self-talk. Our words have power, so why not use that power to manifest our deepest desires. Below you will find 500 affirmations that will help you manifest health, wealth, and prosperity in your life. You will also find affirmation tips and tricks that will help you unlock their full power.
Jump To 500 Positive Affirmations
What Are Positive Affirmations?
Positive Affirmations are repeated spoken words meant to manifest positive outcomes into your life. They can focus on anything but are commonly used for self-improvement and personal growth. Positive affirmations also combat negative thinking, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs. Three of the biggest roadblocks to success and happiness.
Affirmations are not wishes but a tool to rewire your subconscious mind, thinking patterns, and beliefs so that they work in your favor. There are some specific “rules” that you must follow, however, in order to activate their power. We will discuss what those are in an upcoming section.
How Affirmations Work
Positive affirmations work in two ways. First, affirmations work by rewiring your subconscious mind to push you to take meaningful action towards a desired result. Second, affirmations activate the law of attraction to bring into your life the positive things you constantly focus on.
Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious is dumb. It will believe everything you put into it. Whether true or not, if you continually feed it certain thoughts and words, it will become truth and a belief to your subconscious. Once a thought is ingrained in your subconscious, everything works like a machine to make it a reality. This is why it is so difficult to overcome limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that have held you back. Your mind is constantly trying to validate itself by looking for reasons to legitimize your liming beliefs.
Positive affirmations work by giving your subconscious mind instructions over and over to rewire it. Believing your affirmation at first is not important, but repeating them is. The more you say them, the more your subconscious mind will accept them and then the machine will work in your favor. In time you will believe the affirmation you are repeating which will further activate the law of attraction.
Affirmations Activate The Law of Attraction
Explaining the Law of Attraction here is beyond the scope of this article but in simple terms, the law states that like attracts like. You attract what you repeatedly focus on. Have you ever wondered why certain people just always attract good “luck” while nothing ever seems to work out for others? This is because the Universe materializes whatever is in our thoughts. It is a fundamental Universal law. If you focus on doom and gloom, you will attract negative circumstances and results. If you focus on positive things, you will attract positive results and circumstances.
Positive affirmations work by hammering positive words into your subconscious mind, which leads to positive thoughts. See where this is going? Affirmations activate the Law of Attraction, which will cause the Universe to manifest wealth, happiness, health, or whatever it is you are focusing on, into your life.
Quick Tip: Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. If you find yourself having a negative thought, quickly repeat a positive affirmation to replace it.
How To Use Affirmations
Here are some important tips to consider when using your positive affirmations.
Get specific.
Get very specific and intentional with your affirmations. What area of life or habit would you like to change? Once you know the specifics, find or create an affirmation that will manifest what you are seeking.
Change it up.
It’s perfectly okay to adjust and fine-tune your affirmations. Do whatever feels right. Over time, things change. Our perspectives change and so do our circumstances. Reevaluate and recreate when necessary.
Create a ritual.
Rituals and habits are the keys to success. You are what you repeatedly do! Make reciting your affirmations a ritual. Every morning, I stand in the bathroom, look in the mirror and recite my affirmations. You can make it a routine to recite your affirmations in the shower, your car, on your daily jog, etc.
Repeat. Then repeat again.
Spend at least 2 to 3 minutes repeating each affirmation. The key is to inundate your subconscious mind as many times as possible.
Add feeling and passion.
Feeling and passion will unlock the true power of positive affirmations. How you say your affirmations is just as important as what you say. Put your emotion into it. Stand up tall and say them with conviction and confidence.
Take action.
Always take action towards your goals and desires. Do not just say your affirmations and sit on your butt. Do something that will move you forward, no matter how small. This makes your affirmations more powerful, and much more effective at giving you what you desire.
Stay persistent.
There will be times when you do not feel like your positive affirmations are working. Don’t give up. Things are working. Many people never see their desires materialize because they give up too soon. Unfortunately, there is no set amount of time it takes for affirmations to deliver results. You must be patient, and persistent.
Take baby steps.
If you have created an affirmation that your mind is stubborn to accept, roll it back. For instance, if you want to lose 40 pounds but you are having a tough time seeing it in your mind, start out with 20 pounds or even 10 pounds. If you have a hard time believing that making 20k a month is possible, then start with 10k. There is nothing wrong with taking baby steps towards our big goal.
Visualize your affirmations.
Visualization is a powerful tool to bring about change and create what you are seeking. Close your eyes and see yourself in your desired state. Spend some time each day in a quiet place imagining your affirmation. In bed at night, before you fall asleep, visualize yourself in great health, having an abundant life, having a great relationship, whatever it is you are seeking. “Seeing” yourself as already having received your positive affirmations creates more emotion and actually brings what you desire much faster. Focus on the positive feeling it gives you.
The Rules of Positive Affirmations
Here are several rules you must adhere to when using affirmations.
Rule #1 – Affirmations should focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.
This goes back to your dumb subconscious mind. When you say, “I am not insecure”, your subconscious mind will focus on the word “insecure”. This word will also trigger negative emotions which your mind will pick up, thus reinforcing the fact that you are insecure. Instead say, “I am confident.” This keeps your affirmation positive and much more effective.
- Wrong: “I am not unhealthy and fat.”
- Right: “I am healthy and fit.”
Rule #2 – Positive Affirmations should be stated as if already true.
Your subconscious mind doesn’t know if what you say is true or not. It only takes in what you give it. It doesn’t analyze or contradict, so use this to your advantage. Feed your mind the end result.
- Wrong: “One day, I’ll make lots of money.”
- Right: “I am wealthy and more is coming.”
Rule #3 – Affirmations only work on YOU.
Affirmations cannot be used to change others or their circumstances. Repeating affirmations to get your spouse to be more sensitive or helpful will not work. Affirmations that focus on your kids to get better grades will get nowhere. Focus only on you and your circumstances.
Rule #4 – Affirmations should contain detail if possible.
Affirmations that are short and sweet are often best. There are times though that adding detail can give your affirmations more power. Be specific. Instead of, “I am in great shape.” Say “I weigh ___lbs. and have a body fat % of ___”. Fill in the blanks. This gives you a measurable goal to focus on.
Positive Affirmations for Health, Wealth, Prosperity, and More
The following are affirmation examples to help you manifest your dream life. Choose ones that resonate with you the most and add them to your daily routine.
Wealth | Happy Life | Healthy Body and Mind | Love and Relationships | Confidence and Self-Esteem | More
Affirmations for Wealth
The following 100 affirmations will attract wealth and abundance in your life. Choose the ones that speak most to you or use them for inspiration to create your own.
- I am a magnet for money.
- I deserve to make more money.
- I have great wealth and live in abundance.
- Wealth is drawn to me.
- I have more than enough money.
- I am ready to receive an abundance of money.
- My income is growing higher and higher.
- Money easily flows to me.
- I allow my income to expand constantly.
- The Universe supplies me with more than enough money.
- My bank balance increases daily.
- Abundance is constantly attracted to me.
- I easily find more ways to generate money.
- I easily pay my pills.
- My savings continually grows.
- Money is never away from me.
- I have an abundance mindset.
- Making money is easy.
- My net worth grows greater and greater.
- My income automatically increases higher and higher.
- I welcome money into my life.
- I have (amount of money) dollars in my bank account.
- I can afford the lifestyle that I want.
- My middle name is money.
- I am wealthier than I could ever imagine.
- I am a lender, not a borrower.
- I can donate an amazing amount of money.
- I change people’s lives with my income.
- Every activity I perform, makes me money.
- Making money is amazingly easy for me.
- (amount of money) is being delivered.
- My bank account is full of money.
- I place no limits on the amount of money I can make.
- I have an endless supply of cash.
- Money is attracted to me everywhere I go.
- I am wealthy doing what I love.
- I enjoy making lots of money.
- I am receiving financial fortune.
- I am totally debt-free.
- I enjoy my prosperous life.
- My income far exceeds my expenses.
- I enjoy my abundant life.
- Money comes to me from unexpected sources.
- The Universe has an endless amount of money.
- I make money in unexpected ways.
- My investments continually make an abundance of money.
- I live in a rich and giving Universe.
- I am benefiting from an abundant Universe.
- I feel deserving of having lots of money.
- There is plenty of wealth for all of us.
- I can easily help those that are less fortunate than me.
- I accumulate wealth easily.
- Large sums of money flow easily to me.
- I enjoy a luxurious lifestyle.
- I can buy anything I want.
- My wealth allows me the freedom to do what I want when I want.
- I have multiple houses and cars.
- I live a lifestyle of luxury.
- I am amazingly rich.
- I am extremely wealthy.
- I have more money than I know what to do with.
- I earn (amount of dollars) a month easily.
- My business earns (amount of dollars) every month.
- I make at least (amount of dollars) a year.
- The more money I spend, the more money I make.
- There is always more money coming to me.
- My money works for me easily and efficiently.
- I increase my money and abundance daily.
- I provide wealth for my family.
- I give my family a life of luxury.
- My money is a source of good for others and myself.
- I feel good about my wealth.
- I’m living my destiny to be wealthy.
- I deserve a rich life.
- I am thankful for the money I have.
- I release all negative feelings about money that I have.
- I deserve to be financially free.
- I am grateful to be financially free.
- I experience no limits in wealth.
- Money flows to me in ways I couldn’t imagine.
- The more money I have, the more I can give.
- I experience a waterfall of money.
- I welcome all the things money can buy.
- I pay my bills easily and with joy.
- Money is finding ways into my life.
- I let go of all my fears about money.
- I spend money without fear or guilt.
- I have all the skills and abilities I need right now to generate wealth.
- I am grateful for the money that I now have.
- The Universe deems me worthy of being rich.
- I am open to an infinite amount of wealth.
- I have more than enough money needed for all the things I desire.
- I am the master of my money.
- There are no limits to the amount of money that flows to me.
- I am open and receptive to all the money in the Universe.
- Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.
- I have more wealth than yesterday, and I will be more wealthy tomorrow.
- Every day brings me more wealth and abundance.
- It’s in my nature to be wealthy.
- I create wealth easily.
Positive Affirmations for a Happy Life
Are you tired of feeling down and out and want to experience more happiness? You can take control of your emotions and create happiness with the following affirmations.
- I am a vessel of happiness.
- I deserve to be happy.
- I am worthy of love and joy.
- I deserve to be successful and happy.
- I am responsible for my happiness, no one else is.
- I create my own happiness in life.
- I act in all things with confidence.
- I forgive myself completely.
- I choose to be happy.
- I have the power to be happy no matter the circumstance.
- The Universe is working for me.
- The Universe is delivering health, wealth, and prosperity.
- I release all the hurt that was done to me.
- I forgive everyone who has ever wronged me.
- Happiness exists everywhere I go.
- I release all negativity.
- I accept all the good that is in my life.
- Happy thoughts bring positive outcomes.
- I have a positive outlook no matter the situation.
- I live a life of abundance and joy.
- I have fun working towards my goal.
- I make others around me happy.
- I am cheerful naturally.
- I have habits that manifest happiness in my life.
- Every cell in my body radiates happiness.
- Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.
- I always have a reason to smile.
- I easily enjoy every moment.’
- I always follow my heart.
- I have a great sense of humor.
- Peace is my middle name.
- I am joyous about my opportunities.
- Great opportunities present themselves to me every day.
- My choices are wise and sound.
- I am satisfied with the decisions I make.
- I accept happiness into my life.
- I wake up in a positive mood.
- I am grateful for everything I have in life.
- I enjoy every breath I take.
- I allow myself to laugh and be silly.
- I brighten the mood every time I enter a room.
- I am joyful for even the simplest of things.
- I take the time to be mindful of my surroundings.
- I am responsible for my own joy.
- The power to be happy relies in only me.
- I have everything I need inside to live a happy fulfilling life.
- I love who I am.
- I love to have fun.
- It’s okay to have fun.
- I know that happiness comes from great habits.
- I can create my own true happiness.
- I laugh frequently and freely.
- I make time for things that make me happy.
- I feed my body and mind with positive thoughts.
- I only speak positively.
- I see the good in all things and situations.
- I spread joy to everyone I meet.
- I smile at everyone I walk by.
- I do something that brings me joy every day.
- I feel okay about doing things just for me.
- It’s okay for me to give of myself.
- I welcome into my life an abundance of joy.
- It brings me great joy to do for others.
- It is my birthright to live a happy and prosperous life.
- Joy comes easy for me.
- I only attract joyful and happy people into my life.
- My love of life spreads to others.
- I empty my mind of all negative thoughts.
- I am superior to negative thoughts.
- I am in complete control over my emotions.
- I have everything I need to succeed.
- Every day, I am overflowing with joy.
- Creative energy flows inside and around me.
- I can overcome any obstacle that stands in my way.
- My thoughts are filled with positivity.
- I am admired by those who meet and know me.
- I realize that everything that happens is for a reason.
- The Universe is causing my desires to manifest.
- The Universe is delivering freedom and happiness.
- I radiate beauty.
- I am easily conquering my sickness.
- I wake up strong and motivated.
- Every day is more joyful than the last.
- I always find the positive in everything.
- I think very highly of myself because it is deserved.
- It’s easy to overcome negative thoughts and emotions.
- I utilize my compassion and forgiveness to the fullest degree.
- Thinking positive is a natural part of who I am.
- My positivity transforms my reality.
- I can do anything I want.
- There are no limits to the amount of happiness I can experience.
- I see how good this world really is.
- I keep my worries under control.
- I easily overcome stress and anxiety.
- I am living an excellent life.
- I am thankful for all that I have.
- I will always have a positive outlook and will always be optimistic.
- My glass is always half full.
- I choose to think of myself and others in a positive light.
- Great things always come my way.
Affirmations for a Healthy Body and Mind
The positive affirmations below are to improve your health. You can change these around, use them directly or get some ideas. Make them work for you. Remember you should be inspired and have a connection with your affirmation.
- Every day I am getting healthier and healthier.
- I am full of energy and vitality.
- I crave healthy and nutritious foods that benefit my body.
- Good health is my birthright.
- I am strong in mind and body.
- Every day my body gains more energy and vitality.
- I am free of ailments, disease, and all life-threatening conditions.
- My blood pressure and cholesterol levels are exemplary.
- I easily take care of my body.
- I am in great shape, and in great health.
- I have an abundant supply of energy.
- I deserve to have great health.
- I am attracting a life of amazing health.
- I am easily getting healthier, every single day.
- I take care of my body with love and respect.
- I am easily losing weight.
- It’s easy for me to exercise and eat right.
- I live an incredibly healthy lifestyle.
- I have an endless amount of motivation.
- I am strong.
- My lifestyle inspires others to be healthy and fit.
- I am in tune with my body’s needs.
- I have the ability to heal quickly.
- My immune system is strong and powerful.
- Every cell in my body is working for me.
- My mind is at peace and is calm.
- My body is flexible and balanced.
- I feel amazing!
- My bones, organs, and body systems are in perfect health.
- I awake each day refreshed and full of energy.
- I am in the best health of my life.
- I adopt great healthy habits easily.
- I always eat healthily.
- I crave only foods that are good for my body.
- I am dedicated to having great health.
- I recover quickly and easily from an illness.
- My body is resilient against sickness.
- Every day I am becoming stronger.
- I can overcome any health obstacle.
- I enjoy working out and exercising.
- I weigh what I’m supposed to weigh.
- I weigh ___lbs. and ___% body fat.
- Overcoming an illness is easy.
- I deserve to be healthy and happy.
- I have a positive attitude towards my body.
- My mind, body, and spirit are strong.
- I am free from stress and anxiety.
- I let go of my worries easily.
- I am easily releasing all tension.
- I am in control of my stress levels.
- I am in complete control of my emotions.
- I am a positive person.
- My mind is sharp and focused.
- I am laser-focused on keeping my body healthy and fit.
- I find it easy to think positively.
- I am a great runner.
- I enjoy improving my health.
- I easily exercise every day.
- My heart beats strong.
- I radiate energy and joy to those around me.
- I am an amazing example of what it means to be healthy and fit.
- I live, eat and breathe fitness.
- My back and joints are free of pain.
- My body is pain-free.
- I am in control of pain.
- My skin is radiant and healthy.
- I look younger and younger every day.
- My body is fit and my mind is brilliant.
- My body can overcome any obstacle.
- I am excited to take care of my body.
- I love who I am.
- I am a health freak.
- I am attracted to foods that heal and cleanse my body.
- I treat my body as a temple.
- I trust the signals my body sends.
- My body is attuned to the wisdom of the universe.
- My resilient immune system easily eliminates unhealthy bacteria and viruses.
- I am unstoppable.
- The healing powers of my body grow each day.
- Devine energy flows through my mind.
- Every cell in my body is moving towards greater health.
- My mind is clear.
- Every day brings me improved health.
- I choose to live healthy every day of my life.
- I am free of ailments and pain.
- My (injured body part) is healing fast and efficiently.
- It is my right to be of sound mind and body.
- My (condition) is getting better every day.
- I am easily overcoming my (addiction).
- Toxins and waste are easily leaving my body.
- The energy around my body is positive and strong.
- My body is constantly restoring itself.
- My eyesight is sharp and clear.
- Every breath I take brings me health and healing.
- I strengthen my muscles easily.
- I easily manifest perfect health.
- I find it easy to make smart health choices.
- My subconscious attracts all that is good for me.
- My body is living long.
- I am surrounded by people who encourage me to be healthy.
Affirmations for Love and Relationships
Manifest a better relationship or attract your soul mate with these positive affirmations.
- I am surrounded by love.
- My heart is open with trust.
- I have an abundance of love.
- My partner and I are perfectly matched.
- I can easily understand and accept my partner’s point of view.
- I can easily communicate my feelings and point of view to my partner.
- The love I give is increased many times when it comes back to me.
- My heart is open and receptive to love.
- I attract only people who are deserving of me.
- I am in a joyous, fulfilling relationship with a person who loves me more than anything.
- I am comfortable loving who I am.
- I am attracting a lasting relationship.
- My soulmate is out there.
- I attract positive, loving, people in my life.
- I am attracting my soulmate.
- My partner and I are a team and our love is unconditional.
- I spread joy and love wherever I go.
- I welcome love with open arms.
- I am irresistible to those around me.
- I deserve to love and to be loved.
- The more I desire someone the more they are attracted to me.
- My inner beauty is shining through.
- I love being loved.
- I desire love and receive it in abundance.
- Loving and being loved is my birthright.
- The Universe is finding my perfect match.
- I have an abundance of love to give.
- I am attractive, I am beautiful, I am desirable.
- I love every aspect of my life.
- My soul is full of love and warmth.
- I am deserving of a joyful, lasting, relationship.
- I am surrounded by more love than I ever thought possible.
- My partner knows me and loves me flaws and all.
- I have a fun and exciting relationship.
- My loved one is the love of my life and I am the love of theirs.
- My relationship is full of joy and wonder.
- My partner loves everything about me.
- Positive love is flowing towards me always.
- I am faithful, supporting, and loving.
- Everywhere I go, love finds me.
- My love is faithful and supporting.
- My relationship is my priority above all else.
- I am attracted to people best for me.
- I am everything my partner desires.
- Love surrounds me every day in every way.
- I have a committed love life.
- I enjoy being in a strong, committed relationship.
- Love flows towards me and through me.
- I am a magnet for true lasting love.
- My love is perfect inside and out.
- I am confident in my love life.
- I am beautiful and loved by everyone.
- My relationship is stronger than any obstacle.
- I am able and willing to forgive.
- I can be me in my relationship.
- I am treasured for who I really am.
- My marriage is becoming stronger and more loving every day.
- My spouse and I are meant to be together.
- I am loved and wanted by my partner.
- I enjoy my spouse being so attracted to me.
- I accept responsibility for my actions and make my wrongs right.
- I treat my partner the way I want to be treated.
- I give unconditional love.
- There is nothing that can come between my partner and I.
- My goal is to listen and understand, not to win.
- I speak kind, supporting words to my partner.
- I communicate my needs clearly and honestly.
- I show my loved one often how much I appreciate them.
- I am excited for marriage.
- I love (enter significant other’s name) and will be there for him/her through thick and thin.
- I am open and ready for marriage.
- I forgive my ex and recognize the good that did exist.
- I will heal from this.
- I am grateful that everything happens for a reason.
- I release the past.
- I am completely whole and happy by myself.
- I am attracting the right love.
- I effortlessly attract love.
- I always have love surrounding me.
- I shower my love generously to others.
- I show love and compassion with every fiber of my being.
- I create love all around me.
- I accept and love everything about myself.
- I easily express my feelings and emotions.
- I am an effective communicator.
- I emotionally support my partner.
- I am surrounded by people who love and support me.
- My partner and I are compatible in every way.
- It is easy for me to love.
- It is easy for me to accept love.
- I am a magnet for great relationships.
- Everything I do is out of love.
- I attract love from being myself.
- I am in love with being in love.
- I am an amazing wife.
- I am a loving and supporting husband.
- I am my partner’s rock through thick and thin.
- My partner and I share passionate intimacy.
- Every day my spouse and I strengthen our bond.
- I am meeting my soulmate today.
Affirmations for Confidence and Increased Self-esteem.
Use the following positive affirmations to boost your confidence and increase your self-esteem. Choose a few affirmations from the list below. Repeat them consistently to feel better about who you are, and face difficult circumstances with confidence.
- I am overflowing with confidence.
- I am creative, talented, and confident.
- I can adapt, grow, and change when necessary with ease.
- I take on any challenge that faces me.
- Confidence is what I live for.
- I recognize my imperfections and accept them fully.
- I easily adjust to new situations and circumstances.
- I easily make friends.
- I am unique and feel great about being me.
- Life is full of excitement and fun.
- My life is full of amazing opportunities.
- I clearly see all opportunities in front of me.
- I choose happiness for my life.
- I appreciate who I am and love my life.
- I create solutions.
- I have faith in my skills and abilities.
- I am grateful for everything I have been blessed with.
- I always act in the face of fear.
- My life is fulfilling and full of happiness.
- I am the poster child for optimism.
- I always face fear with excitement and perseverance.
- I create a positive atmosphere everywhere I go.
- I trust the person I am becoming.
- I am proud of the person I have become.
- My enthusiasm rubs off on others.
- I take the time to slow down and appreciate life.
- I am compassionate, kind and loving towards others.
- I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
- I am releasing all self-limiting beliefs.
- I make friends easily and attract amazing people.
- I am calm and full of peace when under pressure.
- I deserve to feel good about myself.
- I am perfect all by myself.
- I make bold and smart choices.
- Everything I need to succeed is within me.
- I always attract the best circumstances.
- I am a victor not a victim.
- I understand that every moment I breathe is a gift.
- I am deserving of love just the way I am.
- I attract peace and love.
- I am naturally confident in all that I do.
- I easily create habits that are healthy for me.
- I am beautiful inside and out.
- Fear of failure does not control me.
- I am comfortable being who I really am.
- My actions are for my future, not because of my past.
- I have the power to change.
- I am an example of confidence.
- I recognize my great qualities.
- I see the best in myself and others.
- I surround myself with people who support me.
- I love the person I have grown to be.
- My opinions are important and they matter.
- I am full of integrity and discipline.
- I can do anything I put my mind to.
- I easily accept compliments because I deserve them.
- I radiate exceptionalism everywhere I go.
- My high self-esteem allows me to shrug off criticism easily.
- What matters most is how I react and what I believe.
- I respect myself highly.
- I release the need to prove myself to others.
- I am responsible for my own happiness.
- I am well-loved by others.
- I am wise and humble.
- I am just as good as everyone else.
- I release any need to be negative and pessimistic.
- My mind is full of positive, loving thoughts.
- I release the past, live in the present, and am excited for the future.
- I constantly make positive changes in all areas of my life.
- I have unlimited potential. There are no limits before me.
- I am a unique gift to the world.
- I am here for a reason.
- The greatest gift I can receive is my own unconditional love.
- I am perfect right now.
- I support myself fully and competently.
- I body go after what I want in life.
- I act swiftly and with energy.
- I confidently and respectfully speak my mind.
- I have unbreakable confidence.
- I am confident and outgoing in social settings.
- I am assertive and impressive.
- Confidence allows me to overcome procrastination and take action.
- I go for what I want without hesitation.
- My skills and abilities are enough to do what I want in life.
- Being strong, bold and confident is normal for me.
- I am free from the fear of failure.
- I always get back up and keep going.
- I am persistent and disciplined.
- I embrace failure and learn from it.
- I easily overcome setbacks.
- My confidence is unshakeable and is never diminished.
- Gaining strength and wisdom from failure comes naturally.
- I always succeed because I want to.
- I am aware of all my accomplishments.
- I give myself permission to fall because I’ll always get back up.
- I am a good person.
- I am bold and outgoing.
- I stand up for myself without fear.
- I am a magnificent, radiant being.
- Every day I appreciate myself more and more.
More Positive Affirmations
Here is a constantly growing link list of affirmations.
Positive Affirmations For:
Positive affirmations are a powerful tool to create positive change in your life. They work by reprograming your subconscious mind which influences you to take meaningful action, and by activating the law of attraction. If you follow the guidelines in this article, you can manifest anything you hope for. Make them about you and what you desire. Focus on what you do want and not what you don’t want. Add detail if possible and most importantly add feeling!
I know this all sounds too good to be true but it’s not. There are countless examples of how affirmations work, as well as testimonials from the world’s top self-help experts. It works, and you are only a few powerful spoken words away from seeing that yourself. I urge you to believe and put forth the effort it takes to create change in your life. Soul search and find out what you crave in life. Stay persistent, and use the tips I highlighted above. You will receive what you desire.
What positive affirmations speak to you the most? Let me know in the comments below.
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