Accepting criticism is difficult, especially when you suffer from insecurity. We do not like to hear what we are doing wrong or that we aren’t perfect. Try not to be like this. Criticism is not all bad and it is a great opportunity to become a better person all around. Here are some tips that will help you accept criticism and use it to your advantage.
“The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”
6 Steps To Accept Criticism
1 – Is It Really Constructive?
The first thing you must do is to honestly determine if the criticism is constructive. Ask yourself, “is the person being sincere in their observations or are they being purposely hurtful? Don’t jump to “hurtful” every time someone gives you feedback. Take a second to get past your first reaction and think honestly.
2 – Listen with Understanding
As the person is talking, let them finish their complete thought. When it is your turn to speak, repeat what you heard and your interpretation of what was said. Ask questions if you have to. Make sure you understand what was said. Many disagreements and arguments happen when there is a lack in understanding. Miscommunication can cause all types of issues. Be careful not to get into a debate session during this process.
3 – Thank Them
Yes, it is hard sometimes to accept criticism and so far you’ve done great! You have determined that it is constructive and you’ve listened with understanding. Now you must thank them for their time. This doesn’t mean that you have agreed with them, it just means that you respect their time to give feedback. Be careful not to get angry or upset at them. If you do, they may never share feedback with you again, and you’ll miss out on opportunities to better yourself in the future.
4 – Deconstruct The Criticism
Can you learn or improve from the criticism? What can you do with the information you’ve just heard? Sometimes the answer will be nothing. Sometimes the critic is just wrong, but sometimes they are right. Try to see the value in what they have said in either case. Think of ways to improve if you decide that is the best way forward. Go back to the person and ask them for suggestions if necessary. If someone told me that my blog posts sucked, I would probably smile and nod and forget about it. If someone gave me proper constructive criticism with suggestions, I would definitely take it to heart. You should do the same.
5 – Take Action
If you accept criticism graciously and have determined that you can use it to your advantage, take action right away. Don’t wait. What one thing can you do right now to improve? No matter how small.
6 – Don’t Hold A Grudge
Don’t take criticism personally. You shouldn’t try to get even or hold a grudge. It is not a reflection on you. See it only as an opportunity to improve yourself and your circumstances.
Use these tips to accept criticism. It is a way to improve, so take advantage of it.
What is your first reaction when you hear criticism? Let me know in the comments.
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