There is nothing worse than feeling stuck. We have all been in a place where we were desperate to get unstuck in life. The daily grind of work, paying bills, taking care of the kids, repeat, can cause life to feel automatic and robotic. A sense of helplessness or a feeling that nothing is going to change may creep in. Saying things like “I have to…” and “I should..” have become common language instead of “I want to…” and “I’m going to try…”
Feeling stuck can lead to sadness and depression. Waiting for some miracle or outside force to change things may run through your mind. The reality is that no one is going to save you. Getting unstuck begins inside of you and if you search your feelings, you know it to be true. As crappy as it makes us feel, being stuck serves a purpose. It’s your mind triggering you to make changes in your life. Listen to your mind and soul. It’s time to take action. It’s time for a change. These 5 actions will help you get out of a rut and get unstuck in life.
How To Get Unstuck In Life
1 – Get Clear About What You Want To Change
Many people cannot get unstuck in life because they have a problem defining what they really want to change. They may say, I want to change my job, or I need to lose weight. These are too vague and when things aren’t crystal clear, you’ll remain stuck. You must be clear. I always ask the question, If you had a magic wand, and things can change in a flick of that wand, what would be different?
With this technique, you now know what you want to change but you must go a step further. Begin writing down specifics. What about your job do you not like? What characteristics do you want in your new job? How much weight do you want to lose? Is it the weight or is it really something else, like self-esteem? Spend a lot of time defining what it is you want to change, and do some soul-searching if you have to. Once you figure this step out, you can begin to focus and take targeted, effective steps towards change.
2 – Get Support To Get Unstuck In Life
Seek support to get unstuck in life. Bounce ideas off of your spouse, friends, or family. The key is to find someone who will be supportive, and honest. Often we talk ourselves out of taking risks or taking on a new opportunity so it’s important to have someone that will hold us accountable, encourage us, and offer support. You may also want to consider a life coach. There are many benefits to having a life coach including reaching your goals faster, gaining clarity, and learning how to get out of your own way.
3 – Force Yourself To Take Risks
Here is a fact; you will never grow in your comfort zone. Quote me on that. You must take risks and get uncomfortable to get anywhere in life. If there is a class you’ve been meaning to take then take it. If there is a new skill or new career you want to learn then make an effort to learn it. Been meaning to join the gym? Then join it! If there is something you’ve been wanting to do then put yourself out there and do it. Even if something is scary, you have to do it anyway. Feeling stuck is a direct symptom of not taking action. Take some risks.
4 – Change Something
Change up your normal routine to get unstuck in life. It can be as simple as taking a new route to work or eating at a new place for lunch. Start walking after dinner. Get a new tie or blouse. Join a Meetup group. If your relationship is feeling stuck, you can do a new activity together. Get new decor for your desk at work. Changing something, even if it’s little, will keep things fresh and exciting.
5 – Get Inspired To Get Unstuck In Life
Take some time to find 5 blogs on personal growth and read at least one article a day. Gaining valuable tips on how to set and reach goals, being happy, finding motivation, and other personal growth areas will reinvigorate your day and life. I personally use Feedly to collect all my personal development articles from around the web. This is especially helpful when I want to get unstuck.
We all have bouts of feeling stuck from time to time and when you do, follow these strategies. You can get unstuck in life by getting clear, finding support, taking risks, changing something, and getting inspired.
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