Whether intentional or not, there are things that you do every day that make it difficult to succeed. Some of them are obvious, but then there are others that aren’t so obvious. In either case, they could ruin your chance to live a happier, more successful life. Review the following list. These are things you need to stop doing immediately if you want to see a real, positive change in your life.
Things You Need To Stop Doing Right Now
1 – Stop Overthinking
Overthinking is when you overanalyze even the simplest things until they become bigger than what they actually are. You waste time and energy rehashing past experiences or worrying about potential outcomes of a future circumstance. Even if you get good news, you may look for the bad. Overthinking can cause low motivation, higher levels of anxiety, and even lead to depression. Over analyzing happens to us all, but when it starts to take over your life, it’s time to do something about it. Learn to stop overthinking.
2 – Obsessing about the Past
You need to stop obsessing about the past if you want to succeed. Don’t let old relationships, setbacks, or failures keep you from enjoying today and planning for tomorrow. What happened yesterday is nothing more than a learning experience. That is all. Learn from the past, and move forward.
3 – Stop Procrastinating
Is your to-do list piling up? Is your car a disaster? Did you clean up the garage like you were supposed to? Procrastination is a goal and success killer. A little bit of procrastination is normal but when you can’t ever seem to get things done, it’s time to start looking at your time management. If you want to succeed, you have to be able to get things done, when they need to get done.
4 – Stop Taking your Health For Granted
Start making an effort to take care of your body and your mind. Both are important. The most important tools you have to succeed are your body and your mind. Take care of them. If you are healthy, you’ll have the energy and stamina that you need to stay focused.
5 – Being So Hard on Yourself
We are only human and we make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up about mistakes and missed opportunities. Why are we so quick to give others a pass when they make a mistake, but we can’t forgive ourselves? It’s difficult to be successful in life if you can’t accept who you are, flaws and all.
6 – Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Comparing yourself to others is something you need to stop doing immediately. We are on our own path and we need all of our focus and attention on the obstacles that are on our own road. If you are comparing yourself to someone else, that’s less energy you are putting towards your own success. So what if your friend is married and you are not? So what if that other person’s business is more prosperous than yours? If you had what someone else has, you wouldn’t be happy. You have all the tools you need to get to where you need to be. Stop comparing and live a happier more successful life.
7 – Stop Being a Victim
You are responsible for your own happiness and success. When things don’t go your way, don’t blame others or circumstances. Take responsibility for the results you have in your life. I know too many people who spend too much time and energy playing the victim. Don’t be that person. Take control of your life and do what needs to be done in order for you to succeed.
8 – Judging
Judging others is a reflection of you and your weaknesses in your own life. We all judge at times, but do your best to avoid passing judgement on others. In the end, judging will only feed into your own unhappiness. Learn to live and let live. Once you do this, you can spend more time focusing on improving yourself and your own life.
9- Stop Hanging With The Wrong People
Stop hanging with the wrong people if you want to succeed. The people we hang out with greatly influence the success we have in our lives. Even if you don’t act exactly as they do, things rub off. You are on a mission to be happy and successful, so surround yourself with like-minded individuals. If you hang around Debbie Downers and negative people all the time, it’s just going to bring you down. If you hang around trouble-makers and people who have no ambition, chances are you are going to stay stuck.
10 – Stop Living In Your Comfort Zone
If you want to stay exactly as you are, stay in your comfort zone. If not, do something every day that will make you feel a little bit uncomfortable. For instance, if you have social anxiety and you want to learn how to be more social, strike up a conversation with a new person every day. If you are afraid of getting back out on the dating scene, then promise yourself you will at least create an online dating profile. If you feel a little bit uncomfortable, it means you are moving in the right direction. Here are some ways to get out of your comfort zone.
The things we do on a daily basis control the amount of success we have in our lives. If you are not as successful as you want to be, then chances are there are things you should stop doing. These include overthinking, obsessing about the past, procrastinating, taking your health for granted, being hard on yourself, comparing, being a victim, judging, hanging with the wrong crowd and living in your comfort zone. If you do any of these things, then work to stop as soon as you can.
What do you need work on the most? Let us know in the comments below.
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