Today’s article really hits close to home and is something I’ve struggled with in my life, and that is quitting when you don’t feel like going forward. I am an ambitious guy and I really get hyped up about things when I embark on a new mission. After a while though, when I’m not seeing any results, I either lose passion and work towards it lazily and undetermined, or I quit altogether. Luckily, these days I’ve learned to stay motivated and keep going when things get rough, or when I’m feeling lazy. If you have a dream, and you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t quit. Keep going. Today I’m going to give you some tips that I’ve used to help you keep going when you feel like quitting.
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How To Stay Motivated When You Feel Like Quitting
1 – Stay Motivated By Remembering Your Purpose
Why did you want to accomplish your goal in the first place? How important is it to you? Sometimes when we want to quit, we really didn’t want it to begin with. We may have thought that’s what we wanted, but in the end, we weren’t really sure. Successful people who get what they want in life, never really had a choice. All they know is what they want, and that they have to get it no matter what. Do you have that same emotional connection to the things you want? Do you have a burning desire to get it no matter what? If so, then remember your purpose to stay motivated. It’s helpful to put images up around the house that will remind you. If it’s financial freedom and wealth that you desire, stay motivated by putting up images that you can see every day that will remind you of that. If it’s health that you want, put up pictures of fit individuals that give you motivation, or better yet, old pictures of you when you used to be in shape. Be honest with yourself. Is this really what you want? If so, remember why you began the journey.
2 – Acknowledge Your Victories
Acknowledge your victories to stay motivated. When we feel like quitting, we are down and out on ourselves. The type of negative mindset we experience will cause us to focus on all of our failures. “Well, here I go again. Back to the drawing board.” “I knew I couldn’t do it.” These thoughts plague us and sap any motivation and drive we have left. Instead of thinking these thoughts, think of all the accomplishments you’ve had in the past. Hell, you can even count the number of times you got back up after your failures in the past. At least you are trying, and that is more than most people can say. You’ve had some victories, so think harder if you have trouble remembering them. My advice is to keep a gratitude journal and write in it every day. Write all the things you are grateful for including all the accomplishments you’ve had that day. No matter how small, write them down.
3 – Understand Failure is Just a Part of the Process
Setbacks and failures will occur and be thankful for them. You learn more from failing than you do from success. I posted a saying on our Instagram page that says, “The one who keeps getting back up is stronger than the one who never falls.” This is absolutely true. When you fail, look at it as a blessing. It is your opportunity to change-up your strategy, mix up some things and try again. The most successful people who ever lived failed more times than most.
4 – Walk Away To Stay Motivated
To stay motivated you may have to take a break. You may need to walk away and get some perspective. Focus on something unrelated. If you have been working hard at getting your business off the ground but nothing seems to be going right, step back and breathe. Take a walk and enjoy nature, be more mindful, meditate, and if you need to, take a vacation. When you feel like you are lost in the woods, going around and around, find higher ground. When you take some time to walk away, you will find that you will come back more focused and determined than ever.
5 – Imaging Your Death
Close your eyes and vividly imagine that you are laying on your death-bed. Who is there with you? What are you feeling? What thoughts about your life are you having as you slowly slip away. Do you feel regretful? Are you satisfied with the way your life went? What things would you have done differently? Or done at all? Would you want more time to do some of the things on your bucket list? What about another chance to start that business? Would you want to follow the passion and dream you always had? Chances are you would want more time to do more. The good news is that right now you are not on your death-bed. You still have every opportunity right now to do things. Don’t sweat the small stuff. We only live once. Get moving.
6 – Create A Vision Board To Stay Motivated
We often lose motivation when we lose sight of our goal. When we can’t “see” it anymore we become less motivated. Think about the last time you set a goal. Maybe around the New Year, you decided you wanted to lose 20 pounds. Perhaps you had a goal to be more productive or to make more money. At that time of goal setting, you could see it clearly in your mind. You had emotions surrounding that goal and got so hyped up about what life would be like once you got there that you were giddy with excitement and determination. Then as the weeks went on, your motivation to accomplish those goals slowly disappeared. Why is that? It’s because you can’t “see” it anymore. You can’t “feel” it anymore.
With the chaos of our daily lives, it becomes difficult to focus on what we want to attain. To counter this we need something visual that we can see every day that reminds us of where we want to be. Creating a Vision Board is vital to staying motivated. If you want to lose 20 pounds, dig up an old photo of yourself at the weight you would love to be and stick it on the vision board. Write yourself a check in the amount you want to receive on your paycheck every week and stick it up there. Do that for any goal that you have and be specific about the images you put up. Looking at your vision board every day will keep you focused and motivated to reach the end goal.
7 – Get A Life Coach
A life coach will help you uncover your roadblocks and help you discover strategies that will help you stay motivated. A life coach’s job is to inspire you to maximize your potential. Having someone keep you accountable is an effective motivator, as well. As soon as you start losing focus, your life coach will help you discover what it is that is keeping you from what you want to accomplish. He’ll have lots of assessments and thought-provoking questions that will keep you motivated every week.
8 – Understand Setbacks Will Happen
In every quest to accomplish something there will be setbacks. That’s it. Period. Many people have this idea that in order to accomplish something like losing weight, they can’t slip up or that’s it. Then their motivation just goes out the window. Instead of throwing your hands up and thinking, “here we go again, I’ve failed,” have a different mindset. Think to yourself that this is just part of moving forward. Think of this ahead of time and really try to understand that setbacks will happen.
9 – Start An Affirmation Ritual To Stay Motivated
Affirmations are my favorite way to get and stay motivated. When you don’t feel like moving forward or you feel like you are just not getting there, saying aloud or affirming what you want is a miracle cure. There is a lot out there about how affirmations work but right now all you need to know is that they work and they will keep you motivated. Here are some examples of affirmations:
- “I can and I will.”
- “Every day I wake up refreshed, ready to go, and full of motivation.”
- “I am unstoppable.”
Here are more affirmations to help you stay motivated.
The key here is to affirm as if your goal is already true. Say your affirmations every day and throughout the day. Say them in the shower, or when you go for a walk. I like to say my affirmations every day on my way to work in my car. Repeat each one for a couple of minutes to let it sink into your subconscious mind. Affirmations are powerful motivators.
To stay motivated remember your purpose, acknowledge your victories, understand failure is just a part of the process, and walk away if you have to.
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve felt like quitting in my life. I put my heart and soul into everything I do and when things just seem to be against you all the time, it’s very difficult not to quit. If you use these tips I talked about, you’ll be in a better position to keep going when you feel like quitting.
What do you do when you feel like quitting? Let me know in the comments below.
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