Why is it possible for some people to get almost everything they want? Money seems to come easy, love seems to come easy, life seems to come easy. Is this luck? Do they have something the rest of us do not? The answer is no. We all have within us the power to achieve our desires. The key is to program your mind to attract them. Here is how you get what you want in life.
Be Clear About What You Want To Get What You Want In Life
You have to be very clear about what you want. This seems so simple but the idea escapes many. Maybe even you. For example, you may desire a better job but what does that mean? Have you thought about it? Many spend their time thinking about things they hate about their current job but do not spend the time thinking about what would truly make them happy somewhere else. Get very specific. What hours do you want to work? Exactly how much money would you like to make? What kind of people do you want to work with? Your mind, God, Universe, and others can’t work on giving you what want in life unless you are clear.
Believe You Can Achieve It
Once you are clear on what you want, you have to believe you can achieve it. If you believe that it is hard to achieve or impossible, then it WILL be hard to achieve or be impossible. You must open your mind and heart to receive what you are asking for. To have doubt works against you having it. The one thing that should at least be in your favor with any endeavor is your belief that you can achieve it. Get what you want in life by believing you can actually achieve it.
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Do Not Be Afraid To Deserve It
Many people feel unworthy of success. As silly as it sounds, it’s true. They will work hard towards what they want in life but end up sabotaging themselves. Do you desire something but feel you don’t deserve it? If so, then you will never have it. Wipe this thinking from your brain. You DESERVE your desires. Once you hammer this into your thoughts, your mind, thinking, and actions will align in a way to achieve it. Be kind to yourself and realize you are worthy of whatever it is you want.
Get What You Want In Life By Doing For Others
When what you want in life increases the happiness and benefit of others as well as your own, your path to achieving it will be accelerated. People love being a part of something great and they will go out of their way to be a part of your cause. On the other hand, if what you want will have a negative impact on the lives of others, things will not fall into place the way you want them to. For example, if you want to work for yourself and bring in more income, that will not only help you but maybe your family and friends as well. You will have more time, energy, and resources for those you care about most. Does what you want in life help or harm others? The answer to this question will have an impact on getting what you want in life.
You must set measurable and actionable goals. Without measurable progress, how will you know that you are working towards getting what you want? S.M.A.R.T. goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. Setting these types of goals will maximize your success. Just saying, “I want something,” and then not having a clear path to get there will lead to failure.
Act, Act, Act
Get what you want in life by taking action. Once you set your specific goals and have a clear plan of attack, you must act. Every day, do something that moves you towards what you want, no matter how small. It is about progress, not perfection. If you slip up or make a mistake, let it go and keep moving forward. Many people stop taking action because they beat themselves up for falling behind or falling off the wagon. Do not do this. Keep taking action no matter what.
Keep It At The Forefront of Your Mind To Get What You Want In Life
Successful people who get what they want in life always have it at the forefront of their minds. Ask any successful person who achieved their desires and they will tell you that they always thought about what they wanted. How did Michael Jordan become the best basketball player that ever lived? Because basketball was always on his mind. Steve Jobs would have told you the same. So would Colonel Sanders who was turned down over a thousand times before his chicken recipe would change the restaurant industry. Create a vision board, write it down on a piece of paper, tattoo it on your body. Whatever you do, get what you want in life by keeping it on your mind.
Achieving your desires is not a stroke of luck. Be clear about what you want, believe you can have it, feel deserving of it, make sure it helps others, set SMART goals, act, and keep it on the forefront of your mind. That’s your path to get what you want in life.
How would your life change if you got what you want in life? Let us know in the comments below.
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