Sometimes it is very difficult to feel good about who we are. Especially when we make mistakes, and have setbacks. Honestly though, even through all of our failures and despite all of our flaws, we should always feel good about ourselves. It is okay to feel disappointed and recognize where we need improvement, but if you are struggling to find any good within yourself, this article will help. Here are 3 easy ways to feel great about being you.
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.”
1. Focus On Your Strengths
An effective way to feel great about being you is to focus on your strengths. What skills do you have? What accomplishments have you achieved? Who have you helped or add value to? Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, you have a lot to offer.
If you have trouble figuring out what your strengths are, here is a little exercise:
Step 1 – Write down anything and everything that you can consider good or great, no matter how small. Are you prompt? Are you a good listener? Can you make some amazing tasting pancakes? Are you compassionate? Add these things to your list. Try to get at least 40 to 50. That may seem like a lot, but as you begin you’ll see that there are tons of things that are great about being you.
Step 2 – Put a star next to 10 things on your list that you are the most proud of. Which ones stand out the most or make you feel amazing? Once you have 10, write these down on another smaller sheet of paper.
Step 3 – Carry this top 10 list with you or hang it up in a place where you will see it every day. Your goal is to stay focused on this list. Read the list daily and reflect on it, especially during those moments when you feel less than.
You May Also Like Our Self Love Workbook and Journal – Click Here
This Printable Self Love Workbook will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make self love an integral part of your life.
2. Talk Yourself Up
Make it a habit to talk to yourself in a way that is positive, and encouraging. Use phrases like “you got this,” and “you are good enough.” Here are several more positive talk examples to repeat throughout the day:
- “I am a magnet for positivity, abundance, and happiness.”
- “I am unique and feel great about being me.”
- “Love surrounds me every day in every way.”
- “I am exactly who I need to be in this moment.”
- “I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.”
We spend too much time talking down to ourselves. We speak with discouraging thoughts and words that make us feel bad about ourselves and our abilities. This needs to stop. Instead, talk yourself up with positive phrases and feel great about being you.
3. Do Nice Things For Others
A simple, but powerful way to feel great about being you, is to make others feel great about being them. Think about the last time you were a blessing in some way to others. Whether that was buying a cup of coffee, or being a shoulder to cry on. You probably felt great that you were able to make a difference. Many people do not realize the power of doing nice things for others. When you give your time, energy, or resources, it will always come back to you.
Here are a few nice things you can do for others today.
- Give a sincere compliment.
- Call up an old friend or family member and see how they are doing.
- Volunteer your time for the less needy.
- Pay it forward at Starbucks.
If you want to feel great about being you, focus on your strengths, talk yourself up, and do nice things for others. Stop feeling bad about who you are. It’s okay to be disappointed and recognize where you need work, but you should always know your value and feel good about it.
Which one of these strategies will you try and why? Let me know in the comments.
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